Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Painting/Papa's school

 The girls made Thanksgiving cards today and then painted pictures.  Harper wanted me to paint the outline of a flower and trees and she filled them in and added sky and a star.  She was very proud of her work.  Sometimes she gets a little frustrated when she can't paint or draw as well as Ava.
Papa bought some flash cards to help the girls recognize numbers.  They thought it was pretty fun to have him for a teacher and did just what he said.  They have also been doing a lot of dot-to-dots and that is helping with numbers, too.  After naptime we took them to the bakery, they love to eat their goodies there and they showed us their "restaurant" manners, they are very well behaved.  Later they got to go to Rielee's, they played dress-up with her and had graham crackers and milk.

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