Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Shrinky Dinks/Auna's game/future blogger

 The girls made Father's Day Shrinky Dinks today and created some other gifts out of popsicle sticks.
Since the girls are all spending the night we all went to watch Auna's game in the evening.  She pitched all but one inning, did great and they won easily.
Parker with a mouth full of seeds, the girls are in the background at the picnic table playing with some other little girls.   After the game, Rielee went home for a couple of movies and they camped out on the living room floor with popcorn.
Between movies, Harper jumped up and ran in and got a pen and notepad.  She said "now, I'm gonna write down everything we did today", and started naming things off and scribbling.   She said she was going to have a blog when she grew up.

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