Thursday, June 20, 2013

All girl birthday party

Ava painting a paper towel
We invited Jillian and Bridget up this morning for a little surprise birthday party for Rielee.  We had the decorations up when Rielee came over and she was so tickled.  After breakfast she and the twins helped decorate cupcakes (lots of sprinkles) and a cake, too.  They got busy and cleaned up the play room and helped get everything ready.
Singing happy birthday
 They played a game, pin the feathers on the parrot, the kids all liked that except Bridget didn't want to be blindfolded.  They all painted paper towels to make a butterfly also.
After the party was over, Ava, Harper and Rielee went to play at Aunt Cathy's.  In the afternoon, we watched a Chipmunk movie and they put on shows with their ribbon dancing. 

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