Saturday, April 27, 2013

Home and Garden Idea Fair

Ava and Rielee are engrossed in a movie, but Harper posed
 Today Rielee came to spend the day and night with us, so we took the twins back and went over to the Clark County PUD Home and Garden Idea Fair.   They have lots of golf carts to give people rides in from the parking lot, and that was one of the highlights for Rielee,
 although she was disappointed that she couldn't drive it herself.
 There were lots of activities for kids, she tried out the generator bike and a static electricity machine,
planted a sunflower and made a garden marker for it, made a dinosaur terrarium,  made a couple of buttons, and got a wood kit to bring home and put together.  We walked through the barns and looked at the plants but didn't buy any since it was pretty crowded.  We stopped at High School in Woodland on the way home and let her pick out some flowers and a tomato plant, then went to Tsugawa's where she talked me into buying a fantail goldfish for the pond and Papa and I bought a couple of plants.

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