Friday, April 19, 2013

Busy Friday

Harper's photo of their birdhouses
First thing this morning the twins were putting on a show with Rielee, but then she tried to show them how to do a cartwheel and landed on the table, hurting her foot.  She recovered after a little ice and was good to go to school.  Then the twins wanted to paint birdhouses.  Laury and David came to visit while they were at it and Harper's paint mixing skills really impressed David.  
Then David impressed Harper and Ava by reading some books with them.

After they ate lunch, we baked cookies.  Ava ate a cookie, then finished my bowl of broccoli, then finished her other cookie.  I put some of the cookies in a baggie to send home for Luke and Lexi  and Harper said she would put them in the car.  When I went out to check on her, she had taken one of the cookies out of the baggie and put it in her snack cup to eat on the way home. 

Papa brought out his ukulele this afternoon to play with the girls, they only wanted to sing "You Are My Sunshine" over and over.  Ava did her "big finish" arm pose at the end.
Checking out the growth of the nasturtiums they planted last week, they are very anxious for flowers!

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