Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Snow/cookie decorating party

The girls helped me make cinnamon rolls early this morning so they would be ready in time for the party.  Rielee had a late start because of the snow, so as soon as she came over, we went right out to play in it.  They made snow angels, then built a little snowman and had a snowball fight, too.
 At 9:00, we had a cookie decorating party.  Auna got out of school for an hour of school so she could come, and Macee, Emmy and Jason and Alan came over also. 

 The kids had a good time decorating, and Ava and Harper entertained all of us with their liberal use of frosting and sprinkles.
Some of the finished product.  Harper's best cookie is the one on the bottom, the unrecognizable one because of all the frosting, plus I think she nibbled on it as she worked.  Ava took a few bites of her candy cane, too.  

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