Sunday, December 30, 2012

Rielee Ava Harper sleepover

We had Rielee, Ava and Harper with us for most of the day, with a sleepover planned for the night.  They were so excited to have a sleepover, first they watched Despicable Me and then Cinderella and ate popcorn, pretzels, apple and cereal.  At bedtime, they decided that Rielee would sleep on her cot between Ava and Harper's beds.  That lasted about 2 minutes, then Harper wanted to sleep on the floor with Rielee so Ava tried the cot.  But then Harper wanted to be on the cot with Ava.  Finally, Harper bailed out and came out to sit and rock with me, but she couldn't stand the thought of Ava and Rielee sleeping together so she went back in for one last try, and met Ava in the hall, she was bailing out and going in to sleep with Papa.   Rielee and Harper tried sleeping on the cot and then the floor, but after a few minutes of that, Harper bailed completely so I moved Rielee to the couch and rocked Harper.  Put the twins back in their beds once they were out and they slept until 7:30 when Harper decided it was time for everyone to wake up.

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