Monday, November 19, 2012

You're not a girl, Alan!

An article in the CWU paper last week, I like her quote.
I am so excited for Emmy, the Wildcats made it to Regionals, which will be played at BYU Hawaii! 

 We lost power this morning, the girls got their flashlights out and played with them until Papa got the generator going. 
 Who is this child?  I was straightening my hair this morning and Harper wanted me to do hers, so I did a little in the front.  She immediately hated it,  and rubbed at it like she was trying to get it to curl again, and it really did look so odd!  We quickly put it in a pony.  She wasn't about to smile for any picture with that weird hair either, she made a funny face instead.
They were thrilled to see Alan today, and asked him to come in the playroom and play with them.  He really got them going when he pretended to put on their lip gloss-they both gave him the funniest looks and then Harper told him "you're not a girl, Alan!"

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