Thursday, November 15, 2012


 When I was picking up Rielee today, I noticed this poster in the hall outside her room.  She was one of the winners of the Veteran's Day coloring contest.  She said she got a medal, but was disappointed because it was plastic.
The girls made turkey pictures today by stamping their handprint on the paper plate they had painted, then decorating it.  They turned out cute.  Ava and Harper went down to Cathy's in the morning and played with Jillian and Bridget. 
It cracked me up when I caught Ava on the potty like this, she said she was calling Grandma Barb.  Both girl's imaginations are so entertaining these days.  Harper had her play phone tonight and when I started to ask her something, she quickly "shhh'd" me and said "I'm talking to Daddy, Lexi hurt her leg!" and very seriously carried on a conversation while wandering through the house.   Or they will come into the room, one walking beside the other, who is crawling, and say "I brought you something, a kitty!", and the crawling one is meowing and acting like a cat.

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