Thursday, September 13, 2012

Play date and volleyball

It was a fun morning when the girls went down to Cathy's to play with Jillian and Briget.  They played with the doll houses a bit before heading out to the new sandbox.  Then it was on to the play tents that were set up on the deck.  After that they went to play on the helicopter teeter-totter, but it made Ava and Harper a little nervous and they quickly bailed off.  
 They played with some of the ride-ons but not the battery operated ones since my car was in the way.  Harper and Ava liked riding the 3-wheeled scooter and did really well on it.  By now, the girls were starting to tire out, so after a quick tea party, with blue Gaterade (Ava and Harper wouldn't try that and wanted water instead), it was time to head home for a nap.
I went to watch Auna's 7th grade volleyball game this afternoon.   They won it in 3 and Auna even jump served, and did well at it, too!  It was on her bucket list to jump serve in 7th grade, so now she can cross that off.
The Rockets played Toledo at home tonight, won that one in 35 minutes so we were home in time to watch Emmy's match, they played Alaska Anchorage, it went to 5 sets but they lost it.  Emmy was the kill leader though with 17.

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