Thursday, September 20, 2012


 Before they even had breakfast this morning, the twins were asking me if they could paint more caterpillars, they said their Papa Mike and Grandma Barb wanted some--"please, they really like caterpillars, Grandma".  Rielee was home sick from school, so it also made her happy since she had been wanting to paint one since she saw the ones the girls made earlier in the week.   They also made Halloween pumpkins out of a kit, a little early for Halloween crafts, but Rielee really wanted to and I couldn't say no. 
This picture was before the start of the volleyball match tonight, CR beat Kalama in 3, it was a nerve-wracking match with each set a little too close for comfort, but they got it done.  There were a ton of noisy kids there, trying to out-shout each other, fun match with lots of tension!   Papa was a calling lines, too.

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