Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Labor Day

Rielee sent me this picture of her in her dorm room.  We sure miss her and we need to get over there and visit all three of our Boise granddaughters.

We helped Parker and Alissa break up their shop floor last weekend.  Parker had to wear a bee hood for awhile since there was a yellow jacket nest under part of the floor.

Pics of our short trip to Catalina Island. 
Need to practice selfies.

Renting the golf cart was so much fun.

The girls came up over Labor Day weekend, they went exploring in the canyon.
We hope the teacher strike is settled soon so they can start high school.

Laury hosted a sibling reunion on Monday, it was so great to all be together again.
Looking at this picture, Barry said we were all "well-preserved", is that a compliment?

Laury baked Barry a cake for his upcoming birthday, 76, I think.

My guys posed for me.

Tonight we watched the Lumberjills beat Mark Morris in a very loud
Civil War match.  Jillian did a great job.


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