Sunday, May 1, 2022

Cake challenge

Being super fans of baking competition shows, they finally asked if they could do their own cake challenge. 
For the first challenge, they could pick their own cake and design.  We did change it up in that they could add or change an ingredient to their box cake mix, Harper chose to add vanilla and Ava added milk instead of water.  We got display boards so they couldn't see what the other was doing.  Of course, they had to decorate those, too.

Harper made her own fondant out of melted marshmallows and powdered sugar, it turned out really well.

It was serious business.

Harper's unicorn's ears are fondant.
Rielee, Des, Gabe and Alan came over to judge the cakes on design, flavor, etc.  The winner was Ava's Spiderman cake, but it a close score, 108-104.

Ava had her last soccer game of the season at Harmony.
There was a monsoon happening as the game was starting.  Everyone was soaked, including the fans.

After the game, the team met at the Blind Onion for pizza, then the girls came home with us.

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