Thursday, April 7, 2022

Scottsdale Spring Break trip

Gabe and Des rented a house in Scottsdale for Spring Break.  They were all there through the weekend. Macee left Sunday,  Rielee left Monday morning and Parker and Alissa went back Tuesday night.  
 Nancy and Colin flew down with us Sunday morning.  We first visited Old Town, looking through the shops, had lunch and Colin rode the scooters with Parker, Alissa and Des.

Monday morning we went on a nice, easy hike at the McDowell Sonoran Preserve.
This was how it went - Colin way out in front, then he would wait for us to catch up.
In the afternoon we went to the OdySea Aquarium, it was very cool.  Would have liked to checked out the Ripley's Exhibit, but we ran out of time (and energy).

Due to their Sunday morning Southwest Flight being cancelled, Charb, Kelly and the girls didn't arrive until late Monday night.  Harper and Ava were happy to have bunk beds to sleep in.
Tuesday they all spent a fun day at the Oasis Water Park at the Grand Arizona Resort, which had slides, a wave pool and a lazy river.
And snowcones.

Nancy on the slide.  
Fun fact:  Colin and Charb raced down the slides, Colin won.

Wednesday, Des, Gabe and Colin were up at 6 a.m. to hike Camelback Mountain. 
Then Grandpa and Colin went to the Arizona Commemorative Air Museum.
Colin, a future pilot, enjoyed it.
 Papa giving Ava a pool lesson.  The girls and I tried to go for a walk, but by that time it was much too hot.
In the afternoon, the kids spent some quality time in the pool and hanging out with us while their parents went to Old Town.
Colin was the king of the cannon ball-the girls look pained waiting for his huge splash.

Giving us a send-off as we left for our evening flight home.  


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