Friday, March 12, 2021

A sunny cousin day

Ava and Harper came up this morning, just for the day, and what a beautiful day it was.  After breakfast they went down to Cathy's and played with the kids for a little while.  When they got back, Rielee came over and they showed her the tree fort,
then sat out in the sun and had chalk drawing contests,
using their masks for blindfolds.  Rielee always lost and was suspicious that the girls weren't playing fair cause their drawings were so good.
We got out the little airplane ride-on since Josie was coming to visit.  Of course, the girls had to try it out, they used to love that thing.
Josie was interested in the girls, she'd get close to them, start to interact, get shy and go back to Grandma's lap, over and over.
Then, Jillian, Bridget and Tor came to visit, Josie got lots of attention.
The kids went in the hot tub, briefly, they said it was too hot on a hot day.  So they played outside, giving each other under doggies on the swing,
riding around and being silly.  They can still fit in the Barbie Jeep, even Tor drove it-
and the pink bike and helmet didn't bother him either.  He just wanted to ride.

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