Sunday, January 17, 2021

Bikes, firepit, hot tub, painting

Charb brought the girls up Saturday after Ava's s game (a tie).  They went out to ride bikes and search for the Sasquatch again, and discovered that the Dolans were having a fire pit.  It was such a mild evening that we decided to have one, too.

They did some serious painting the rest of the evening with new acrylics and canvases Papa bought for them.

They brought up their Oculus and Rielee came over and tried it out,  it was hilarious watching her on the boxing game.  

She joined them in the hot tub and they played a "name that tune" game.  
The sound of their singing and laughing out there was something special, and I mean that in a good way.

They went right back to painting after breakfast this morning.  They've been watching painting videos on YouTube, I could see in their work that they're learning a lot of new techniques.


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