Thursday, October 15, 2020

Watching Josie

Laury had a dental appt. today so Auna was going to watch Josie.  But then Auna's license came yesterday and she started her job today, so I got to watch Josie instead!  Yay!  We went for a walk, visiting Uncle and Des and Rielee, then she did some tummy time and showed me how she can roll over.  Then it was nap time.  This little one is such a good napper, I just gave her a binky and rocked her, sang 2 verses of the ABC song and she was out.  
I couldn't put her in the crib, I just wanted to hold her and watch her sleep.
Grandma Laury came home just as Josie was waking up so she let me give her a bottle, then Dan took a break from work and Emmy came home.  She was so happy to see them!

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