Saturday, May 11, 2019

Lexi at Ava's soccer, Luke senior prom, Harper sprained pinkie

 Lexi came to watch Ava play soccer this morning.  She's home for Mother's Day, done with her Junior year, but going back to Boise Tuesday to work through the summer. Ava's team lost this game, but it was a competitive and Ava scored a goal.  Harper had a in the afternoon but Mom and Dad decided she should have her pinkie checked out since it was still hurting from Thursday night (she fell and bent it backwards).  So she went to Urgent Care instead.
Luke's Senior Prom is tonight. He posed with Ava and Lexi first.

He and Riley looked awesome.

After the doctor visit Harper and Dad met Mom, Lexi and Ava at Red Robin.
Harper has to wear her splint for a week.

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