Sunday, April 7, 2019

More spring break fun, James

 Rielee came over Friday morning and hung out with the girls.  We went to see Dumbo, it was good.
Saturday morning we all slept in, Ava and Harper had stayed up late working on rock houses.  They entertained themselves building pyramids with cups and then destroying them.

We had pizza for lunch and then they played with Rielee most of the day, ending with a Barbie session at her house that lasted until 9:00.

What a nice surprise when James walked through the door today.  He's done living in Reno
and back home for good.   Parker came over and we all shared a lot of laughs, reliving Parker and James'
childhood incident with the knife and James' various other injuries involving stitches (funny now years after).  Parker took James and Alan over and showed them his place and also discussed the status of the loft with Papa.

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