Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Big rock houses, Big Al's, Parker's shop

The girls have early release all week so we they stayed with us Monday night.  They asked for shoe boxes to make rock houses but we had none so Papa took them to town to check behind the pharmacy where they discard their boxes.  They were excited to find some really big boxes and worked on them all afternoon.
They even installed lights in these.

 Papa took them to school this morning, went to a meeting and then watched them after school.  They went to Big Al's again, where Ava, again, used up her card too quickly.  They're posing in front of a scary zombie game, Ava played it but it was too intense for Harper.
 Parker's shop is almost complete.
He put up some temporary lights and set the panel on Saturday, then pulled in the wire Sunday.

Sunday he was running pipe, trying to get everything done so the floor can be poured this week.

1 comment:

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