Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Parker driving, lunch

 We were so surprised when we passed Parker on the freeway this morning.  He was hauling supplies to a job site in Hermiston, Or.  This was about 10 a.m., he had a long day, not getting home until 9.
We got to have lunch with the girls at school today.  We were there a little early and found them out at recess.
 Harper was playing jump rope with a bunch of girls while Ava played soccer with a 
bunch of boys.  Dorothy Fox seems like a fun school, they had a stereo playing outside.  Lunch was very orderly,  I was impressed with the way the lunch monitor instructed the kids with cards that she laid at the end of each table, when she stood the cards up, they all knew it was time to clean up and line up.  The girls said they sit at different tables at lunchtime. 

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