Saturday, September 8, 2018

4th graders, Parker working, signs of fall

1st day of 4th grade
 Ava and Harper spent Friday night with us.  They were full of stories about their new school.  
shorter hair, Harper's earrings, Ava's pretty nails
After their first day of school, they had told me it was good but "complicated"-meaning once they got off the bus they had to stay outside until their teacher came and got them.  Now they seem pretty happy about everything, including the school song "What Does The Fox Say?".  Their most exciting news was that a girl in their class, Karson (she sits by Ava) lives right behind them.  They've already a play date with her plus she has a twin brother, Kameron.
 Parker and Gabe were out early this morning working on retaining walls. 
 They finished a small one by the woodshed and worked on the larger one below.
4 trusses were delivered last week so Parker is hoping to get the shop permit soon.
 The girls were on the hunt for signs of fall, Harper took some leaves from one of the Dolan's trees.
 Ava found crab apples, then jumped back in the Jeep to look for more.

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