Thursday, July 26, 2018

Beach house, Seaside

We left hot weather at home to find it cold and foggy in Ocean Park.  That didn't stop the kids from
playing on the beach though.  Ava and Harper worked on sand castles, Ava used all the
crab shells she had found on hers, while Rielee mostly did handstands and danced to music on
her phone.

They just love Cathy and Bob's beach house.  I found them upstairs looking at books, 
Rielee was reading to Harper.  We played several games, including Dinosaur Monopoly which was really different,
 watched a couple of movies, visited Jack's and had a fire pit dinner.

Tuesday we woke up to sunshine, stopped at Marsh's Museum to see
Jake the Alligator Man (since Ava and Harper didn't remember him) and get souvenirs.  
We took the girls to the Astoria Aquatic Center to swim before we went to Seaside.

Got to Seaside to find the beach socked in with fog and cold, darn it! 
So we went to the Aquarium, Funland and they rode on the carousel-Harper chose a pony/mermaid.
We also got "Pronto Pups", the best corn dogs ever.  Ava even loved them.
They spent lots of time in the hotel pool.

Wednesday morning we went to Funland again, got more Pronto Pups and then went to the beach before we left, the sun was trying to burn through the fog, but
we didn't see any blue sky until we headed back to Astoria. 
Didn't matter, it was still a very fun trip!

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