Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Eve

The white Christmas we all wanted so much came back to bite us when Charb, Kelly and the girls decided not to risk driving up on the icy roads.  We sure missed them. 
Christmas Eve was once again at the Uhlenkott's and they surprised everyone by moving their tree!  Goodness, we don't deal with change very well, but it did make more room for the gift exchange.

Santa cracked up Parker,

while Rielee looks slightly mortified to be sitting on his lap.

Such pretty cousins.
Rielee seemed to love all her gifts.
And our newest family member Jordon was a big hit.  He showed off for Emmy, smiling and giggling for her.
We all ate too much, played Robin's fun trivia game and the gift exchange was a good one this year with lots of stealing. 
Another wonderful Christmas Eve.

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