Thursday, August 24, 2017

New bedding, Mt. St. Helens, cousins

The girls picked out a new comforter set and rug last week.  They love it because it looks more "grown up".  They also rearranged their room and changed some accessories and pictures.
Wednesday we went to Johnson Ridge, it was very busy, even at 10:30, with 4 tour busses there.

The girls liked the penny smashing machine but were disappointed in the gift shop,

so we stopped at the Forest Learning Center gift shop on the way back.  Ava picked out a stuffed animal horse and Harper a turtle, plus some ash.  The mountain looked awesome but there were a lot of bugs flying around so we didn't stay very long.

Today was the last hurrah of summer for the cousins and they made the most of it.  Parting was hard when playtime was over - there were protests and very sad faces. 

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