Friday, November 25, 2016

Lucy's stocking, Rainbow loom

We put out Christmas decorations this morning, cleaning as we went.  The girls were helpful, making a game of cleaning.  They pretended Papa was a King and they worked for him as "cleaners and cooks".  They said they liked their jobs because they got to eat and live in a castle.
We came across a kit I'd bought last year for a stocking so they made it for Lucy.  It had a big plastic needle and yarn they used to lace up the edges.   

In the evening I got out a Rainbow loom I'd bought for them at a garage sale.  We found instructions on YouTube for a beginner's bracelet and they both made one.  It was a little challenging but they enjoyed it. 

They were very proud of the finished product. 
We played 4 games of UNO before bed and amazingly, Papa won all of them. 

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