Thursday, July 14, 2016

CR Parade and Fair

 The kids had a grand time at the parade.  One float was a pirate ship and they got stuffed animals from a big, burly pirate - he had them yell "AARGH" and the loudest won.  Actually Rielee won the Dora and gave it to Harper, Ava got the dinosaur for best effort.
 Harper, Rielee, Nettie, and Ava
They got all kinds of candy, bottles of water, bouncy balls, a beach ball and 50 cents from the tooth fairy.
Then to the fair, where Harper was at first happy to see this ribbon on the bird feeder she made out of a milk carton.  But then she realized it wasn't the great big ribbon she was hoping for, and she was a little disappointed.  She and Ava had blue ribbons on all of their entries.  When Papa reminded them that they will also get some money it made them feel better.

Rielee's hot air balloon sewing project got a big ribbon,

as did her quilt.  She was really proud.

Harper wanted kettle corn and Ava a snow cone so we sat and listened to some live music.  Two songs and they were ready to go back to the games, they said they didn't like country music.

We love the quarter games and so do the kids.  This was a unique one, the "toilet paper roll toss", Harper was good at it.   They both tried several times to win a gold fish at the ping pong toss, Papa tried, too, but no luck.  When we left, Rielee was there trying, she later brought over 3 fish she had won to put in the pond.  Said  they cost her 3 or 4 dollars but she didn't care-it's her favorite game and she's won fish every year.

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