Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sunday/Monday sleepover

 Sunday we had Rielee, Ava and Harper overnight since there was no school Monday, Ava and Harper stayed Monday night, too.  They stayed busy doing crafts, mostly Valentine-themed, all day.  It was dry out for awhile so they rode scooters and played at the playfort.  Ava fell off her scooter first thing, landing on her bottom so she went back inside to rest and watch a video.  Rielee and Harper played "kick the ball while swinging". 
 Harper wore my glasses so she could help Papa put up a new swing.
Ava measured Papa's head yesterday so she could make him a headband with matching necklace.  He was a good sport and wore it the rest of the day.   They asked to get the Valentine decorations out, then cut out and decorated a bunch of  hearts and put them up all around their kitchen.

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