Saturday, January 30, 2016

Rielee club volleyball

We saw a variety of sports this week.  Basketball from Luke and Auna yesterday, Union won in overtime, CR lost a close one.  Today we went to Salem to see Rielee play volleyball, she did great, short video here:   On the way home we stopped in Vancouver to watch Ava and Harper's soccer game.  After last week's game it was cute-I was talking to Ava about how their team is called the Gladiators and asked if she knew the name of the other team.  She said "their name was 'Home''' and when I tried to tell her differently she said "No Grandma, that was their name-I saw it on the scoreboard!" 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Rielee played Minecraft and Legos at the same time before breakfast this morning.  She assured me that she's good at multi-tasking, and can actually build faster that way.

Monday, January 25, 2016

1st soccer game

Ava and Harper had their 1st soccer game yesterday and won!  It was very exciting, the Gladiators came from being down 3-0 to winning 4-3.  They both took a turn as goalie and told us later it was boring.  They said they were tired afterwards from all the running.  Video at

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sunday/Monday sleepover

 Sunday we had Rielee, Ava and Harper overnight since there was no school Monday, Ava and Harper stayed Monday night, too.  They stayed busy doing crafts, mostly Valentine-themed, all day.  It was dry out for awhile so they rode scooters and played at the playfort.  Ava fell off her scooter first thing, landing on her bottom so she went back inside to rest and watch a video.  Rielee and Harper played "kick the ball while swinging". 
 Harper wore my glasses so she could help Papa put up a new swing.
Ava measured Papa's head yesterday so she could make him a headband with matching necklace.  He was a good sport and wore it the rest of the day.   They asked to get the Valentine decorations out, then cut out and decorated a bunch of  hearts and put them up all around their kitchen.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Luke basketball

Tuesday we went to Evergreen High School to watch Luke play.  The team struggled at the start, caught up but ended up losing by a couple points.  Luke played great though.

Last night when I was fixing dinner Rielee came over and asked, no, she begged for me to let them watch a Barbie video on the iPad while they ate.  She even brought out her sad pouty lip, then called the girls for back-up pouty lips.  So I said ok, just this one time, Rielee turned to the girls,  pumped her arm and said "yes, the Gourde lip worked!"  They had their favorite dinner-potato soup.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Seahawks win

I stopped by Saturday to see how Parker and Gabe were coming along on the rental house in town.  They have everything torn out, now the remodeling can begin, Parker is having fune. 

 The Dolans, Dan and Colby came over yesterday to watch the Seahawk game.  We were all so thrilled with the win that Papa had to have a picture so we could remember our seating arrangement for next time, not that we're superstitious or anything...
Today's early morning drawing session, these girls, including Rielee,  get such a kick out of a box of new crayons.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Auna and Janelle's basketball

We got to watch Grand-niece Janelle play on JV for Three Rivers Christian tonight.  She really played great. 
Varsity played next, Auna had a great game, too. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016


 As soon as we got home yesterday the girls put on their new robes and slippers, they put them on first thing this morning, too.  Ava surprised us by making their bed and picking up the playroom, she even arranged some toys on their nightstands, then spread a blanket over the end of the bed and displayed one of her little puppies on it.  They got dressed quickly so they would have extra time to play with Rielee-they didn't see her yesterday since she had a game.  They played kitchen and then started a dodge-ball game. 
The Gourde girls are so cute, quiet and reserved...

Monday, January 4, 2016

Snow day with Rielee

Rielee spent her snow day with us, she came over early for breakfast and we continued on with a marathon Monopoly game we had started last night.  She managed to buy one of each property so I couldn't develop anything, but finally got bored in the afternoon and traded.  Having spent all her money she didn't last long and it was over quickly.  She wanted to bake so we made some gluten-free peanut butter cookies for Parker and also chocolate chip.   

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Eve

 We got to spend our New Year's Eve with Ava and Harper, which livened up our night.  Ava opened up a store offering to diagnose and treat anything we had wrong with us.  I had a sore heel-she suggested rest, ice, and no junk food to help it.  Papa's problem was that his brain hurt when he sneezed-he was prescribed rest, no junk food and no TV.  Then Harper went to her with a stomach ache-Ava told her she had to rest, watch movies only, and eat ice cream!  Harper was tickled that the "doctor" liked her best.  Both girls got jump ropes for Christmas, so it was a jump-a-thon for hours, plus Harper improved on her handstand, which motivated Ava to start trying to learn how, too.  They were both exhausted and went to bed at 9, thankfully before the loud fireworks started going off in the neighborhood.
Today they put on a show for us, such a nice way to start the new year.