Monday, October 26, 2015

Playing school

"If I call your name, please come down to the Principal's office NOW!"  said Ava-Principal of Coweeman Middle School, into her pretend intercom and then Rielee, her secretary, read another list of names and told the pretend troublemakers "one at a time sit in that chair!"  Troublemaker Katie, who was in the office for not listening to the teacher, got a detention slip for 1 month.  Ava told her she could read a book or sit quietly and do nothing.  There were a lot of troubled kids in their school, 7 kids from the Art class alone.  Harper played along for awhile but left to take a bath by herself.  When she got back, she took over as Principal.  At one point, I was the bad kid and they said I would have to be home-schooled...
Ava later showed me her notebook and said with exasperation "it's really hard to work with kids!" then she left for her second job as a cook.

Ava said she wants to be a Principal, cook, and artist when she grows up.  Rielee wants to be a teacher or maybe a Principal.  Harper wants to be an artist.

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