Thursday, July 16, 2015

CR Parade and Fair

 We got such a kick out of watching the girls at the parade.  They would get so excited when someone would toss some candy their way.  Towards the end though, they were getting selective, and would pass up the candy they didn't want or give it to the kids next to them.
 They played several of the games at the fair, at a quarter a game, it's cheap fun.
 Ava had a heck of a time with the cork gun game, she couldn't pull it back fast enough to make the cork go more than a foot or so, but still got a prize.
 They were a little disappointed to just get regular blue ribbons on the crafts they entered, no big ribbons this year, but a pony ride made them forget all about it.
 Ava just loved her pony, Dusty, she said she was so soft and cuddly, she would sleep with her.
Wow, so much parade candy, they're smiling with the cards they got from a local dentist, along with a 50 cent piece.  Hope they don't need a dentist after eating all that!

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