Sunday, June 14, 2015

Twins first play

 We had a fun weekend with the girls.  Saturday morning we were treated to a play.  Gone are the days of their simple dancing shows, this was a big step up.  They had 6 acts, with 6 costume changes and used the Ipad for music to accompany them.  They took turns announcing each act.  In the first one, Ava was a baby doctor, she performed a complete exam on her baby.  Harper was getting impatient because Ava was examining every part of baby, she was ready for her turn.  Other acts were a girl walking her dog in Paris, Anna and Elsa with a baby, and in this picture of the finale they were two girls in the fall with an apple, which had fallen out of a tree and they both took a bite of it.  So cute. 
They played a lot with bubbles this weekend, Rielee is right behind Ava here, plus Frisbee and softball, scooters and went swimming both days, too.

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