Saturday, April 11, 2015

A fun day with Rielee

We were out early this morning going to garage sales and our route just happened to take us by Mr. Bill's.  Rielee assured us that it was okay that she had her own Irish Cream Mocha.  The garage sales were good to her, she found several toys for the twins and found herself a hoola hoop, an air mattress and 4 outfits for the Build-A-Bear she hopes to get next week from Mom if she reads the 19 chapters she has left in her Harry Potter book. 

 We went to the Farmer's Market, briefly, it was very cold and windy, but Rielee got a couple of plants.  Then we headed to Woodland for the Tulip Festival, the flowers were beautiful and  Rielee planted some lily bulbs in a pot to take home.  From there it was Tsugawa's Nursery where it poured down rain and hailed, we ran from one greenhouse to another looking at plants.  We stopped to visit Linda and Ben's on the way home, it was nice seeing them.
Our last stop was PetCo.  After seeing the Koi and goldfish at Tsugawa's, Rielee wanted to get a few new fish for our pond.  She picked out a big fantail and a bright orange comet and I picked a yellow comet. 

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