Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday madness

This was a chaotic but happy morning.  Ava and Harper got up early since they knew Rielee was coming over to eat breakfast and play with them before school.   They played a game of  Tumbling Monkeys and then played Barbies.  When I said I needed a picture of them, Rielee thought of this one-she and Harper doing bridges while Ava crawled underneath.   Plus, Ava woke me up in the middle of the night to remind me that I forgot to sew her blanket and asked if I could do it in the morning, so I had to hurry and add another mile of thread to her poor little blanket.  She's not about to give it up though, she said she's keeping it until she's grown.  After the twins left with Papa for school, Rielee wanted to play Scrabble.  We got through half a game before her ride came, we'll finish it next time she's here. 

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