Saturday, November 15, 2014

Emmy coaching at state/Rielee basketball

We decided to keep our reservation in Yakima Thursday and Friday and watch Emmy help coach the Kalama girls at the state tournament.  She's keeping stats on an iPad in the picture.  Unfortunately, they lost their first 2 matches and were out the first day.  Uncle watched some other local teams until he got his fill of volleyball and we came home this morning.
Rielee had two basketball games this afternoon.  She felt better this week and it showed, she was aggressive, wanted to shoot and made 5 baskets.  We took her to Target between games so she could buy the Elf on a Shelf Reindeer, she was very excited about it and named it "Snowflake".  She spent the night with us and we watched Maleficent, which was good.  She also worked on perfecting her handstand, oh, about a 100+ times,  and is trying to learn to walk on her hands. 

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