Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 2

Rielee has been coming over by 7:30, foregoing sleeping in for the chance to have some serious playtime with the girls.  They all had breakfast and then went back to playing "fashion/talent show" Barbie that they were playing yesterday.  After that they wanted to paint.  Harper was very proud of her first painting, she said it was of her doing sit-ups, but I think she meant chin-ups.  She planned to give it to her Dad. 
 Rielee painted vegetables and a bowl of salad.
Ava painted two pictures of  snowmen and then did dots.
After a long bath, a game of Simon Says, computer time and lunch, they listened to CDs and danced until it was time for Rielee to go home.  They started with a Barbie sing along CD but once they tired of that they went to the Beach Boys, I finally had to cut them off, I was so sick of hearing it! 
Parker was again out in the shop,  he is making progress.

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