Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lawn mower ride

The girls wanted to wear their "dress up" clothes (tutus) outside yesterday, which looked really cute with their rubber boots on, too.  After playing with chalk and bubbles, they heard Papa on the mower and took off running to find him and get a ride.  They rode over to see the chickens and Ava tripped and fell down, skinning the palm of her hand on the gravel.  That stopped all playing for her for a couple of hours while she recovered with her hand wrapped up in her blanket.  Then all of a sudden she declared that it was all better and they headed out to play again. 
Early in the evening they were both in the playroom when they came out to see me in the kitchen, I knew they were tired, overly tired, but they looked so serious.   Ava said "we're sick", Harper agreed.  I asked what was wrong with them, Harper looked at Ava, who suddenly started coughing, "we have a cough" she said,  Harper said "yeah, we have the allergies, we need some medicine, we're don't feel good" and she coughed a little, too.   So I gave them each one dropper of Tylenol and they felt better.  Probably didn't need it, but I didn't think it would hurt them. They were in bed asleep by 8 and slept until I woke them up at 7 this morning. 

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