Monday, July 9, 2012

Ava and Harper adore cousin Rielee.
  We had an appointment this morning at Sears to have pictures taken of the three girls.  Getting ready for it was quite the process,  starting with Ava not wanting to get in the tub, then Harper's skirt was too big, so I had to take it  in at the last minute.  Then, one of Ava's sandals was missing, we finally left without it, figuring they could take barefoot pictures since the sandals we did have didn't match their outfits.  Once we got them there and  all signed in, to our surprise, Ava and Harper decided they didn't want their pictures taken, and no amount of cajoling was going to change their minds. They were both crying and clinging to us like we were going to feed them to the wolves!  They did let me take a few pictures of them when we got home though, which turned out pretty cute.

Rielee adores them, too.
Harper on the table blowing out the candle for Laury
In the afternoon, Auna and Will brought over some brownies with a candle in them and we had a little birthday party for Laury.  Ava and Harper were excited because Papa gave everyone some pop, and they have never had pop here before.  They wouldn't drink it though, maybe because he kept calling it "Ginger" (it was ginger ale),  he even showed  Harper it came from a green can and she still wouldn't try it.  They ate all their brownies, though.

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