Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Badminton news

We had a fun weekend with the girls.  Saturday we went to the Nest and painted ceramics, took in a few garage sales and stopped briefly at the Summer Solstice Arts/Music festival in Longview.  Also watched The Quiet Place, a very scary movie, and made peanut butter fudge.

The big news is that Papa and I finally beat the girls in badminton, not once but twice. Might have helped that they were looking into the sun, but it still counts.


Monday, June 10, 2024


The girls came up for day on Memorial Day.  It was perfect weather to set up the hammock.

Rielee is playing on the Alumni team for Kelso's Spring Volleyball.
Jillian's R.A. team is playing in it, too.  Fun to see them competing against each other.

We've had lots of fun with Josie since she finished pre-school.

We found this tent Pam made a long time ago and she had all her dolls and baby camping in it.

Hattie has stayed with us a couple of times.
She's so fun, really motoring around now.

Sunday we went to Nancy's for Katelyn's graduation party.
It was so nice, Katelyn cooked everyone her special grilled cheese sandwiches with homemade dip.
And she served dried seaweed, which she loves, Grandpa liked it, too.

This was her picture in the annual.

We picked up the girls after the party and put up the badminton net.
They beat us 4 games in a row.

Rielee came over Sunday and beat them, they really don't like her spikes.

We stopped at Josie's 4th birthday party on the way back.
She was having a ball jumping on the bounce house.

She posed with AvaHarper (they have one name as far as Josie is concerned) for us.

Afterwards we took the girls to the Mountain Timber Market in Kalama, too.
Ava bought a dieffenbachia start at the plant shop.