Sunday, January 30, 2022

More Marvel

 Friday night we watched Captain America: The First Avenger, Saturday night Avengers: Age of Ultron.  It's amazing how much the girls know about and love the Marvel movies.

Saturday morning zebra cake, which was good but my 7 minute frosting, not so much.
The girls also love the Dolan's awesome canyon trail, they made videos of their walk today.  Harper's was a 6 part video, all in a British accent about her adventure with her "trusty, dusty, musty sidekick, Ava", we laughed so hard watching it.

Experimenting with oil, water and food coloring.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Ava soccer

It was a beautiful, sunny day to watch Ava's team play Cascade at McKenzie Stadium.  They lost 2-1.  Ava had some great kicks and they played hard.

Monday, January 24, 2022


Winter clean up of Fort Gourde
The highlight of their visit this weekend was watching The Avengers movie.  They really wanted us to understand why they love the Marvel movies so much.  The plan is for us to watch one every time they come up until we know enough background to watch Avengers: Endgame, their favorite Marvel movie.

Sunday, January 16, 2022


A Saturday afternoon and night with watercolors and a fire pit.
Harper worked so hard on a perfect snowman and then didn't like the face she put on it.

Ava's castle
and mushrooms
Harper's whale

Rielee went to the National Pole-Vault Summit in Reno this weekend.   A great experience for her and she PR'd at 10'4"!
Colin is working hard this year to become an Eagle Scout. 
Nancy shared these photos of him participating in a flag ceremony with two Eagle Scouts from his troop, at the Wolverine Gun Club banquet.


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Skyridge soccer/Josie time

Ava played her first school soccer game tonight.  They beat Covington 7-0 at Heritage High School.  She played great and said it was really fun.
With fans Rylee and Luke afterwards,  Adrianna and Brad came also.

We had Josie for over play dates Friday and Monday.  
She's just so darned cute and loves to play chase and hide and seek.

We found the girls' old keyboard under the bed and that was fun entertainment. lots of buttons to push.

A touching moment with big Dog, she always go to him first.


Sunday, January 2, 2022

Snow much fun, Auna's ring

The girls were elated seeing how much snow we had when they came up Thursday afternoon.
They stayed outside until after dark, trying the zip line and Harper built a chair and TV.

They went for a couple of long walks, this one was down the canyon on the Dolan's trail.

Ava loves photography and took lots of great pictures.

We spent New Year's Eve watching a movie, The Office, and playing cards and Left, Right, Center.
Then we got the best New Years Day news - that Auna and Colby are engaged!  We were all thrilled for them and loved seeing Auna's beautiful ring.