Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Rielee track

We were proud of Rielee as she went 9'6" and took 2nd place in the pole vault at Kelso's meet with Camas.  She's nursing a thigh injury, which kept her out of other events.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Softball, Legos and cinnamon rolls

Harper was asked to play for another team Saturday.
They lost 25-17, but it was a fun game to watch.  Harper played outfield and 2nd base and did a great job.
Afterwards, we picked Ava up at Papa Mike's, she was helping Mom and Aunt Theresa with his garage sale.  The girls played outside all evening, mostly badminton with Rielee.
Sunday morning they slept in, got in the hot tub, and played with Legos.

We also made and pigged out on cinnamon rolls.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Josie visit, Rielee pole vault

This little sweetie got to come and play today.  She had just woke up from a short nap and was pretty subdued, wanting to be held and picked up to look and point at things.  Which was fine with me, gotta love those cuddles.
Kelso had a track meet with Battleground today.  Rielee won the pole vault with a PR of 9'6" and threw the javelin 90'.  

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Corn hole, snowballs and clay

The kids had fun playing Cornhole this weekend.  Rielee and Harper played first.
Then when the cousins came up, Tor first had to try out the zip line, then played Harper, she was shocked when he got 4 in the hole in a row, but she ended up beating him in the end.

The snowballs are blooming, so they got the ladder to get to the really big ones.  They love snowball fights.
Sunday it was Fimo clay that kept them busy, Ava made earrings for Harper,
and a heart necklace for herself.  Harper made a cute unicorn figurine, but I didn't get a picture of it.


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Play time with Josie

Thursday I got some special one-on-one time with Josie when she came over for a play date.
What a little charmer!  We played inside for awhile and then tried out the toddler swing we put up for her.


Monday, May 10, 2021

Mother's day weekend

We had the girls this weekend since Kelly and Charb went to Boise to see Lexi's graduation, postponed for a year by the pandemic.  
We're so proud of her, now she's living and working in Boise!

Harper had her softball pictures Saturday morning, the photographer asked for a "silly" pose.  Harper does that so well!

Harper just had to try out the ride-on we got for Josie while Ava checked out a box Papa got for her.
Boxes are still great entertainment for them, Harper spent hours making little furniture for hers.  

Ava working on a pot of sedums for Mom, this was one of the hypertufa pots we made last year, she painted it gray.  It turned out really cute.
They both wanted plants for their new rooms at home-they are SO excited about having their own rooms! Harper bought this blue planter, then added polka dots to it to coordinate with her new curtains.

A Josie visit was the highlight of the day.  The girls were impressed at how she says "Uh oh".
A relaxing float after dark, then we watched Cinderella.
Ava watched some TV from her box, then slept in it for a couple of hours before finally going to bed.
We went to Des and Gabe's for a wonderful Mother's Day barbecue with these crazy kiddos, Denice and Parker's roommate Noah. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Rielee pole vault PR

At Kelso's track meet today with Prairie Rielee won the pole vault with a PR of 9'.  We were wondering if she would have any energy left for it since she ran three races first.  Her 4 X 200 team won first place, she took second in the 100 hurdles and third in the 400.   


Monday, May 3, 2021

Ava's championship game, cousins

Ava's team played for the championship Saturday morning, they fought hard but lost 1-0.
They had a get together in the parking lot with a cute soccer ball cake and cupcakes with trophies.

We had the cousins up later to try out the zip line, they had lots of fun.
They came inside to paint, it was interesting what they all painted-Bridget did flowers, Tor painted a zip line over a volcano, Harper painted a Sponge Bob scene, Ava and Jillian did landscapes.

Rielee came over when she got back from her vacation to Las Vegas with Kamalie, she was so exhausted.  She said they walked 20 miles Friday and had to get up early to leave.  She perked up after her nap and we all stayed at her house, watched Aladdin and went to bed early.