Saturday, September 26, 2020

Kiddo visit

We picked up the girls Friday afternoon and got to visit with Lexi and Luke for a few minutes.

When we got home, Harper grabbed the one box we had and it morphed into her police car.  They got out another box of Halloween decorations, too.
Saturday they played Disney Monopoly with Rielee's cousin Emily, and played outside when it wasn't raining.
Josie visited and showed off her tummy-time skills, she can hold that head up really well now.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Halloween houses

The girls were excited to meet Sadie, finally, and we even got to watch her for a little while Friday night.  
(Ava has a mouth full of something.)

She was very feisty!
Harper texted me during the week asking if they could make Halloween houses this weekend.  Since it's so close to Halloween, only 42 days, I couldn't say no.
It was a fun project, got a little messy.  Ava made her house spooky, while Harper's was a little less so.

After being cooped inside all week because of the smoke, they were anxious to play outside, they played in their "secret hideout" over in the Dolan's hedge, using loppers to clear it out some.  There were too many bees near the play fort so that was out.  
This morning they had a "tonic" store in their fort and mixed up all sorts of potions,
even one that was poison! 

The Weird Sisters
Papa asked for a tonic to make him grow taller.  Ava had him dip his finger in one, except he dipped it twice, and she said that could negate the results.   When Daddy came to get them, he visited the store and asked for cure for his knee pain, Harper had some "invisible" tonic that she said might make the pain disappear, and had him rub some on his knee. 

We also had some fun visits on Saturday with Emmy and Josie and also Will and Kalyn.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Visiting Josie, Sadie-sitting

 This morning I got to visit with Josie and Laury.  Josie was so animated and loved
looking at and trying to talk to her little giraffe.  

Then Rielee called and asked if we could puppy-sit Sadie while she and Mom went shopping. 
Sadie is a sweetie and follows you everywhere.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Rielee and Sadie

Rielee got her new puppy Sadie on Wednesday, she's a mini Aussie-doodle and so very cute.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Baking, river, Josie

As soon as the girls came up Saturday afternoon they asked to bake something.  We decided on sugar cookies in the shape of fall leaves.  
Harper sneaking a bite of dough (their favorite part of making cookies).
We spent lots of time at the play fort where they posed for some pics for me.

Sunday we went to the river, Ava had to wear her shorts since she didn't have a swimsuit bottom.  Once those shorts got saturated with water she was cold and ready to go home.  
Someone forgot pails and shovels so they had to use Papa's metal detector digging tool.
Harper making a face as she reacted to the cold water after going down the rapids.
Emmy and Josie were out for a walk later and visited us at the play fort.  
We sure love having this darling baby girl living right next door!


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

A night at the beach

Rielee and the girls stayed with us Saturday night so we could leave for the beach early Sunday.  One last trip before school starts on Tuesday for the twins, Rielee starts on the 9th.
Harper was trying to get Lucy to relax, she gets closer to her than anyone.
We went immediately to the beach, they thought the water was cold so there was a lot of this going on, and rescuing jellyfish.
 They played some monkey-in-the middle and helped Papa with the metal detector,  
never found anything.
Took a break and made a trip to Marsha's and the bakery, then went back to the beach.
They got a little wet that time.
 Fire pit dinner, Rielee used her toes 
 and entertained us
made some TikTok videos, and they had a talent show.
 They played Twister and then we watched some of Night At The Museum,
finishing it in the morning. 
 One last beach visit before we had to go, it was chilly but there was lots of digging going on, they didn't want to leave.
Our beach chauffeur did a great job.  We stopped at Marsha's again on the way home so the girls could spend the rest of their money,  Rielee got 2 more hermit crabs.