Monday, October 30, 2017

Ava sick

Poor Ava, she woke up sick early Saturday morning with a stomach bug.  It kept her on the couch all day, but thankfully her fever broke in the night and she woke up feeling good again Sunday morning.

Harper was a little lost without her sister to play with, but kept busy practicing her drawing.  She went down to Aunt Cathy's to play with the kids, but Cathy told me later that she just wasn't herself without Ava there.

Jillian and Bridget came up Sunday morning.  Ava and Harper  had made a Frankenstein dice game so they played that before heading out to draw with chalk.  Bridget won, they laughed a lot when Jillian could only roll 2's.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Meeting Jordon, Rockets win league

We finally got to meet baby Jordon when Alan and Josh came over last night.  He's such a sweet little guy, I guess he's not that little, 12.5 lbs. at 2 months, Josh said.  I hope he comes to visit again soon, it was so fun to hold him..

Go Rockets - they beat LaCenter in 5 tonight and are league champs.  It was an exciting match in a packed gym.  Auna played great and had the winning kill, so that was a nice ending.  District starts next week, also in LaCenter.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Auna Senior Night

Last night was Senior night for Auna, they beat Stevenson in 3.  So proud of her, she's been such a steady, positive leader for her team. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Hayden football

Saturday we went to Poulsbo to watch Hayden play football.  It was a cold and muddy one with all the rain.  

Grandma Jill holding Coldyn.  He was good during the game with so much to watch.

Hayden looked pretty serious out there.  He was glad when it was over and he could have pizza, he said he was so cold he was going to put the pizza on his arms to warm them up.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Rielee volleyball

Rielee had her last volleyball game today vs. Huntington.  They got to play at the high school which was exciting for them.  Coweeman won all 3 sets, Rielee had several nice kills and did well serving, too.  The team had a winning season, finishing 8-2, I believe, it was fun to see their improvement with each match.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Volleyball, Halloween houses, Riels & Rascal, wormies

Thursday we met Charb, Kelly and the girls at King's Way for Auna's game.  The Rockets won in 4.  The girls were tired,  Ava fell asleep on the way home (they came home with us since Friday was an in-service day). 

Friday was Halloween house day.  Ava's went together pretty well,

but Harper's didn't.  She declared it "the most complicated one we've ever had!"

She sure was proud of it.

They went out to play and came back in thrilled to have dug up a baby worm.

And then they were super excited when they found a newborn baby worm!
Harper took some cups out and made them beds for awhile, then let them go back to their families.
They played with Jillian, Bridget, Tor at Aunt Cathy's in the afternoon, Rielee went down and played, too.   
Then the girls came up here to play, they all have so much fun together.

Rielee brought Duke over this morning, he and Rascal are really nice cats, so friendly.

It was such a beautiful, warm Fall day, perfect for Ava and Harper to draw giant 3-story chalk houses.  Papa and I visited, we had to knock on the "door", walk up the "stairs" and take a tour of all the rooms, they were quite elaborate.  They had some of their animals and a baby out there, too. 

Monday, October 9, 2017

Pumpkins and playfort

Ava and Harper came up Saturday and we made it to the CR Harvest Festival before it closed. 
The kids got pumpkins (Rielee picked a green one, too, just to be different), had some hot chocolate and cider and we bought a Halloween candle from a vendor. Short and sweet cause it was getting windy and cold.  We stopped at the bakery on the way home.

After eating their donuts, they begged to carve their pumpkins,

while listening to Christmas carols, these kids are weird.  Oh, that's right,
they're "Gourde girls"...

They were very proud of  how they turned out.

Sunday morning the girls made brownies,

and had a birthday party at the play fort for Harper's black-haired Baby and Ava's zebra "Zebie".


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Rielee's fans

Rielee had a fan club today at her match at home vs. Mt. Solo.  Cathy and Bob brought Jillian to watch,
and Laury and Auna came, too.

Parker, Des and Granny Denice were there as well.  Rielee's team won.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Legos & earrings

Saturday Rielee came to spend some time with the girls.  They drove me crazy listening to Christmas carols (too early!)while they played with Legos, building a color-blocked tower to the ceiling.

Sunday morning after their bath they worked on projects for their MicroSociety class.  Ava made earrings to show Sara, her jewelry business partner, their business is called "The Amazing Jewels".  Harper is involved in an art business with Ryder, he's her boss, she said.  It's called "Drawing With Fun".  Harper also made a surprise for Lexi, who's coming home from college Friday, they can't wait to see her.