Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Badminton news

We had a fun weekend with the girls.  Saturday we went to the Nest and painted ceramics, took in a few garage sales and stopped briefly at the Summer Solstice Arts/Music festival in Longview.  Also watched The Quiet Place, a very scary movie, and made peanut butter fudge.

The big news is that Papa and I finally beat the girls in badminton, not once but twice. Might have helped that they were looking into the sun, but it still counts.


Monday, June 10, 2024


The girls came up for day on Memorial Day.  It was perfect weather to set up the hammock.

Rielee is playing on the Alumni team for Kelso's Spring Volleyball.
Jillian's R.A. team is playing in it, too.  Fun to see them competing against each other.

We've had lots of fun with Josie since she finished pre-school.

We found this tent Pam made a long time ago and she had all her dolls and baby camping in it.

Hattie has stayed with us a couple of times.
She's so fun, really motoring around now.

Sunday we went to Nancy's for Katelyn's graduation party.
It was so nice, Katelyn cooked everyone her special grilled cheese sandwiches with homemade dip.
And she served dried seaweed, which she loves, Grandpa liked it, too.

This was her picture in the annual.

We picked up the girls after the party and put up the badminton net.
They beat us 4 games in a row.

Rielee came over Sunday and beat them, they really don't like her spikes.

We stopped at Josie's 4th birthday party on the way back.
She was having a ball jumping on the bounce house.

She posed with AvaHarper (they have one name as far as Josie is concerned) for us.

Afterwards we took the girls to the Mountain Timber Market in Kalama, too.
Ava bought a dieffenbachia start at the plant shop.


Monday, May 6, 2024

Ax throwing

We had a fun time taking the girls to the CR Axe House Saturday night.
Rielee and Papa had their own lane since they were evenly matched and the girls and I competed against each other.  

This was Harper worrying that Ava was going to cut her hair off, they took turns worrying with every throw.

Ava injured her wrist last week dancing in the kitchen with slippery socks on.  


Friday, May 3, 2024

Busy Hattie

 Hattie is a busy girl, crawling all over the place now.

She spent lots of time looking outside and giving Lucy kisses through the glass.  

Standing up is easy now, she pulled herself up on every chair.  
Such a cutie.


Thursday, May 2, 2024

May Day

Josie made my day when she knocked on the door and left me these flowers she made at pre-school.  She was so excited about the process that she picked two more bouquets of flowers out the yard and left them for Uncle, one for May Day and one for our anniversary.  So sweet!  She wanted to take her flowers back to Grandma's to leave them for her.  Laury said she then took them home to surprise Mama.  


Monday, April 22, 2024

Farmer's Market, Hattie

The girls saw their great-aunt Teresa at the Farmer's Market Saturday.  Ava and I bought sedums from her.

After shopping at Michaels, we stopped at Sweet Spot.

Ava was a good sister giving Harper a fast ride on the zipline,

and hauling her back for another.

I had to get a picture of Hattie's pretty blue eyes when I took her back to Grandma's after some playtime.  Alan came over, too, so we all spent some quality time on the floor playing.


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Spring Break beach trip

The girls spent Easter night with us and we left for the beach Monday morning.  We stopped at the Maritime Museum in Astoria.  They were impressed with the realistic displays and so many maritime artifacts. We spent quite a long time looking at everything. 

After a brief stop at Marsha's on the way through LB, we unpacked at the beach house and went right to the beach while there was blue sky.  Found only one shell but had fun looking.    

Laughing at selfies over a firepit dinner, we watched a movie later.

Tuesday was arcade day, Harper scored big on her favorite fishing game.  
We had lunch in Long Beach and visited the shops.  

Went for a bike ride to the library and around the streets looking at the quaint houses.
Harper wanted to ride to the beach so we tried that until one of them crashed in the soft sand.

Our beach visit Tuesday night was disappointing since tons of these
strange jelly fish, velella velella washed ashore overnight and were quite smelly.

We played Connect Four, Guess Who? and Sorry, then watched a movie and finished the carmel corn we bought in town earlier.

On the way home we stopped at the museum again to tour the Lightship Columbia (it was closed for maintenance Monday).  We also visited shops and the art gallery in Astoria and also visited a shop in Clatskanie where Ava-the plant lover found a treasure.
It was a fun trip.